ReputationUP founds Protection4Kids, the NGO for minors online

Always committed against cyberbullying, ReputationUP has decided to take a decisive step in assisting the victims of child pornography and trafficking: this is why the NGO Protection4Kids was born.

ReputationUP, already a world leader in the online reputation management and the elimination of harmful links, is heavily involved in fighting against cyberbullying.

Today, the ReputationUP team led by CEOs and Founders Andrea Baggio and Juan Ricardo Palacio, has decided to take an even more decisive step in this direction.

The NGO Protection4Kids was created precisely to assist minors victims of trafficking and child pornography.

At the head of the project is Annachiara Sarto, the young former director of WE ACT, an NGO based in The Hague and a strategic partner of Protection4Kids.

“We decided – explains Andrea Baggio – to fight this battle together and offer a unique project in the world to all those families affected by the drama of child pornography.”

“Among the services we offer – continues Juan Ricardo Palacio – I highlight in particular all the activities of Ethical Hacking, Investigations on the Web, Tracking of Cash Flows, Server Analysis and Search for Missing Child.”

“We will be able – say the two CEOs of ReputationUP firmly – to identify the position of the people who watched the pornographic content based on the geographical IP and identify the personal data of those who viewed the content.”

“In addition – concludes Palacio – we will be able to proceed with the complete elimination of the content found on Internet, to track the cash flow and the payments relating to the purchase and sale of pedo-pornographic material.”

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