How To Win Political Campaigns
And Govern Successfully
Learn how to win political campaigns with our comprehensive strategic political consultancy. Achieve your goals through our technologies and methods especially developed to guide the online and offline sentiment of voters.
What I need to win political campaigns?
Political Marketing
Apply marketing in politics in a smart way, properly focused and seeking the maximum efficiency of the resources invested. We count on experts in political strategy, social media intelligence, communication, advertising, psychology, public image and big data.
Crisis Management
During an election campaign you have to be prepared for unexpected and counterintuitive effects. ReputationUP is able to prevent risks and coordinate a crisis management recovery plan. We know how to communicate properly in the face of a critical challenge.
This is the most powerful governmental tool, being a plus in electoral marketing strategies in order to get more voters appealing to emotions. Emotion processing can be recorded to understand which candidate is better in the campaign. We guide online and offline feelings.
Political Communication
Communication strategies are essential for connecting voters at all levels. Thanks to structured messages and speeches, you'll become the reliable and authentic politician that people seek, conveying trust and security. Recreating stories is crucial to influencing voter's decision.
Multichannel Strategies
Your political campaign is conducted through a variety of channels and each requires a different management. Our strategies are developed in order, so that the messages are effective in each channel and at the same time all generate a high impact on the main objective.
Governmental Strategies
We accompany in the management, with a strategic approach focused on determining the best way to overcome the institutional and administrative problems in order to not lose focus on getting results. We also maintain constant monitoring of the process.
How to win political campaigns in 4 steps
1. Analysis and Goals
Our outstanding team of professionals carry out an in-depth investigation of all the fields in which the electoral campaign took place. Accompanied by the most advanced technological tools, they define the objectives to be achieved.
2. Strategy and Implementation
We develop strategies based on the pillars of neuromarketing. We discover the emotions and motivations of voters. We analyze in depth the personality of your main adversary, what emotions move him and what his patterns of behavior are, in order to intelligently defeat him.
3. Constant Monitoring
Voters talk, speak out, support and attack on the Internet and especially on social media. Our constant full map monitoring of what is being said and with what feeling, allow us to act and implement strategies at the right time to create the most convenient scenario and prevent potential crises.
4. Optimization and Victory
The processes of ReputationUP are optimized at every step of the electoral campaign: we reduce response times and we are always ahead of situations. This generates increasingly better results and accelerates the achievement of the primary goal. You will win the battle before the fight.
Why Choose ReputationUP?
Premium Reputation Services
Business | Professional | VIP | Administration
Services to help businesses and individuals manage their online reputation, privacy and image, as well as identify haters.
FORBES | October 2, 2020
In the era of digital exposure, both for individuals and companies, it has become essential to protect their own digital identity. The network does not forget, and the traces of our online activity are often reluctant to be removed. ReputationUP is the guardian angel of the web reputation (and credibility) of companies and individuals.
Satisfied Clients! We work with companies, professionals, VIP and administrations.
We have removed more than 875,000 pieces of false, negative or defamatory online content.
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