How To Delete News From Internet And Remove Online Articles: The Guide

Protect your image from false and defamatory news: read the complete guide and learn how to delete news from internet and remove articles online.

google web reputation 2022

Don’t like what Google says about you?

ReputationUP guarantees the elimination of any negative link (photos, videos, comments, content, reviews) from Google

The scenario: internet and fake news

Are you looking for a solution to protect your online reputation and erase fake news from the internet that damages your business?ย Do you want to delete news from internet?

The solution exists but, sometimes, is not easily achievable if you take into account how much information is published every day on the net.

Of these news that circulate freely, the percentage of fake news is sadly increasing and, equally sadly, more and more people who believe them to be reliable.

Obviously, this information affects your brand reputation.


The scenario internet and fake news ReputationUP

Let’s take a step back and frame the elements that make up your online reputation, synthetically represented by the reputation score:

  • The consideration that an entrepreneur or company enjoys;
  • The ability to meet the expectations of its customers;
  • The quality of its services or products;
  • The way to interact with his contacts, commercial or personal.

Therefore it is easier to understand how the circulation of false news can damage, even irremediably, the image and credibility of a company by acting on several fronts:

  • Breaking the relationship of trust between consumer and company;
  • Influencing relations with competitors and favouring unfair competition phenomena;
  • Creating false information that discredits the value of products and services, diverting the orientation of purchasing choices elsewhere.

Requests for removing URLs made to defend the reputation of an online brand are increasingly numerous.

The scenario internet and fake news ReputationUP

Often, news of negative facts that have not bearing on current reality continue to circulate on the net; however, these outdated content, with their mere presence, continue to damage your web reputation.

Why delete news from internet?

In theory, every reason is legitimate to delete news from internet or personal information from the web.

Unfortunately, the unquestionable right to protect your reputation is not always respected in the intricate online network.

The legal protection you must refer to is the Right to be forgotten, which is embodied in the right to delete information deemed no longer relevant and therefore obsolete for the news.

However, if it is fake news, it is undeniable that it has serious repercussions:

  • Just as positive reviews contribute to raising the level of reputation of an activity on the market, negative ones can affect it to the point of turning consumer choices on direct competitors;
Why delete news from the internet ReputationUP
  • The damage to the brand reputation can simultaneously also produce an injury to the personal sphere of the company’s owner.

Over time, therefore, the growing practice of spreading fake news has prompted the various platforms that host websites to adopt practices that allow their removal.

On the other hand, protecting digital identity is extremely important and the first way to protect it is to eliminate the source that generated the damage.

Precisely for this reason, some large companies dedicate an entire public relations sector to crisis management, adopting digital tools aimed at stemming the spread of false news through the disclosure of other information that clarifies the real ideological and commercial position of the brand.

How to delete news from internet?

As I mentioned earlier, the right to ensure data confidentiality is protected by our legal system, including through the exercise of the right to be forgotten.

The EU regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) has established that:

โ€œThe protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data is a fundamental right.โ€

Within this legal framework, it is possible to delete negative reviews, negative reviews from the web and remove obsolete content.

But how do you know how to delete news from internet?

Let’s start by saying that when you make a query on Google, the search engine provides the answer by showing on the first page the ten most relevant results that contain it.

To delete a URL from the internet will not be enough to make it disappear from the first pages of the search engine (de-indexing), but you will have to move on several fronts by adopting a well-studied tactic:

  • Start by opening a website and create a link building campaign that defines its position, also making use of SEO consultancy;
  • Get an effective and content marketing strategy for the production of content and identify the most suitable social networks and sites on which to place them;
  • Publish content with a positive value to neutralize the harmful effects of the news you want to eliminate.

Simultaneously, take care of removing the latter: below, you will find explained the procedures to be followed, case by case.

delete negative reviews 2022 reputationup

Need help deleting negative reviews?

ReputationUP guarantees the elimination of any false or defamatory negative reviews from any platform

How to delete newspaper articles from the internet?

When a newspaper article circulates online, its potential damage becomes immense.

If you have been involved in a similar situation, do not despair: the various social platforms and search engines provide the user with procedures that allow you to report and remove newspaper articles from the internet.


To remove an article from Google you must follow these steps:

  • Access the Google support page dedicated to requests for removals for legal reasons;
How to delete news from the internet ReputationUP
  • Select “Create a request”;
How to delete news from the internet guide ReputationUP
  • On the next screen, choose the Google service on which the article you want to remove is contained.

Google elimination is a slow process because the company studies in detail whether or not to accept the application.


You can request deleting content directly inside the page on which the article is located.

Here you will find the support tool developed by the platform to meet all your needs.

In any case, regarding the articles that you consider false, infamous or inappropriate, the procedure is as follows:

  • Log in to your account;
  • Visit the page or profile that published the article that you do not consider appropriate;
  • Once you have identified the article, click on the three dots at the top right;
How to delete news from the internet guide facebook ReputationUP
  • Select “Find support or report post”;
  • On the next page, specify the reason why you reported the post.

In the case of changes concerning companies, however, the social network provides a specific tool.


Has also prepared a guide to obtain the definitive unavailability for the news for which removal is requested. 

Still, the same principle as Facebook applies here: you must request for the removal directly to the person responsible for publishing the article:

  • Log in to your Linkedin account;
  • Search for the contact or page that published the article;
  • Once you have identified the article, click on the three dots at the top right;
How to delete news from the internet guide linkedin ReputationUP
  • Select “Report this post”;
  • On the next page, choose the reason for the report;
How to delete news from the internet guide linkedin report ReputationUP
  • Continue in the wizard and click on “Submit”.

On the other hand, if it is the disclosure of personal information that you did not want to become public, fill out this form by following the wizard.


Has recently improved the advanced search method, making its policies more effective and allowing you to remove unwanted content (in a very similar way to the previous two):

  • Log in to your Twitter account;
  • Search for the tweet you want to report;
  • Click on the three dots at the top right of the tweet;
How to delete news from the internet guide twitter ReputationUP
  • Select “Report Tweet”;
  • Subsequently indicate the reason for the report;
  • Click on “Finish” to formalize the request.

At the end of the procedure, Twitter itself will suggest a series of actions that you can take against the user or page that has used incorrect behavior.


Given the number of content published daily, Instagram has made available a guide that also provides the option of eliminating articles that are harmful to the reputation of those with an active account on the social network:

  • Connect to this page by selecting “Privacy and Safety Center” in the list on the left;
How to delete news from the internet guide instagram ReputationUP
  • Choose “Report something” from the menu on the left;
  • Select “Legal removal request”;
How to delete news from the internet guide instagram legal ReputationUP
  • At this point, follow the guided procedure specifying, from time to time, what is requested of you, depending on the problem that concerns you.

In all of the cases reported so far, the timing can be very different and often, it does not work to your advantage.

Given the really high number of harmful links removal requests these sites and platforms face, it is better that, if your profits are already affected, you turn to specialists: ReputationUP will help you clean up your online reputation and improve your personal brand’s performance.

delete personal information from google with reputationup 2022

Do you want to delete personal and private information from the web?

ReputationUP guarantees the elimination of any personal and private information from any Web platform

How to delete information from the internet?

So far, we have talked about information that concerns you, but that was not made public by you.

Another matter, however, may concern the modification of this personal information that you previously decided to make public, but which today you prefer to be no longer visible.

Let’s see step by step how the different platforms allow you to exercise this right and delete news from internet.


If, again, this is information that others have disclosed about you, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to the Google support page:

    Select “Remove information you see in Google search”;

  2. Select the next option:

    “In Googleโ€™s search results and on a website” and select “Yes”.

  3. To continue, click on the following preference:

    Choose “Personal info, like ID numbers and private documents” and select the type of information you want to delete.

  4. If you have selected the first option, continue by clicking on:

    “Yes, the content is available live”; otherwise, go directly to the next step.How to delete information from the internet guide ReputationUP

  5. Fill out the form with the requested data:

    Click on “Submit”.

  6. If you need to delete personal information, follow this other procedure:

    Select “Personal Info” in the list on the left.How to delete information from the internet guide google ReputationUP

  7. You can delete each of your personal information by clicking on the arrow on their right:

    Name, photo, birthday, telephone number, etc.

  8. Complete the procedure to delete permanently:

    By clicking on the trash can icon.

To read a complete guide for removing information from Google, click here.


Also makes it possible to modify your personal information by allowing you, if you wish, to obscure or delete some data:

  • Log in to your Facebook profile;
  • Click on the icon at the top right, next to the notification bell (for the web version, it is an arrow pointing down, while in the mobile version, there are three horizontal lines);
How to delete information from the internet guide facebook ReputationUP
  • Slect “Settings and privacy” and then “Settings”;
  • On the page that opens, from the menu on the left, select “Your Facebook information”: here you can have control over all the information you have shared with the social network;
  • By clicking on “Access your information”, you will be able to see the information that concerns you and is publicly accessible, divided by categories.
How to delete information from the internet guide facebook profile ReputationUP

By choosing “About you” from the list, you will be redirected to your profile page and, from there, you can act on any setting in two ways:

How to delete information from the internet guide facebook about ReputationUP
  • You can delete it by clicking on the three dots on the right or the pencil icon and clicking “Delete”;
  • You can change the level of privacy by clicking on the world symbol (which indicates the level of privacy extended to “everyone”).


Also allows you to modify your personal and contact data directly from the “Information” section of your account:

How to delete information from the internet guide linkedin ReputationUP
  • Here you will see all the editable options, select “change” next to “Name, location, and industry”;
  • You will be redirected to your profile and you will be able to edit information and hide the information you no longer want to show.

Twitter provides you with detailed support to modify or remove any information from your account.

How to delete information from the internet guide twitter ReputationUP

The index contains the procedure to follow for each of the problems.

Besides, this social platform also provides you with a sort of vademecum on the behaviors to adopt to protect your account better, which is very useful.


Keep in mind that Facebook acquired the social network, so the dynamics that interest them, in general, are very similar.

The information I am about to give you applies to the mobile version of the application:

  • Log in to your account;
  • Go to your profile by clicking on the icon with your photo (bottom right);
  • Click on the three lines at the top right;
  • Select “Settings”;
  • Click on “Account”;
  • Select “Personal Information”;
How to delete information from the internet guide instagram ReputationUP

View the information related to your profile and modify or turn not visible those for which the application allows you to take action.

How to delete news from internet and remove your phone number from the internet

Among the personal information you are most likely to have spread online, there is probably your phone number.

It must have happened to you too, you created an account on a social network by also entering the phone number, but today you are re-evaluating this choice.

The procedures to follow are different for each site and platform, but they are always effortless and give you the chance to delete news from internet.


  • Log in to your Google Account;
  • Select “Personal Info” from the list on the left,
How to delete information from the internet guide google personal info ReputationUP
  • In the section “Contact information”, search for “Phone number” and click on the arrow;
  • Click on the trash can icon to delete your phone number.


  • Log in to your Facebook account;
  • Go to your profile page;
  • Select “Information”: in the mobile application, you will find information such as the city where you live, the school you attend; in the web version, however, it is immediately below the profile picture;
How to delete information from the internet facebook about ReputationUP
  • In the “About” section, you will find the telephone number;
  • Click on the pen icon to change the phone number or delete it;
  • Click on “Remove”;
How to delete information from the internet facebook remove ReputationUP
  • Complete the procedure by clicking on “Remove number”.


The procedure is the same, whether it is a personal account or a business account:

  • Log in to your Instagram account;
  • View your profile by clicking on the icon with your photo at the bottom right;
  • Click on “Edit profile” (located just below the number of followers);
How to delete information from the internet instagram edit ReputationUP
  • Click on “Personal information settings”;
  • You will see a screen with name and surname, email and telephone number; select this last field, delete the phone number and complete the operation.


  • Log in to your Linkedin account;
How to delete information from the internet linkedin ReputationUP
  • Click on the icon with your photo, then select “Settings and privacy” from the drop-down menu;
  • Select, from the list on the left, “Sign in and security”;
How to delete information from the internet linkedin guide ReputationUP
  • In the “Phone numbers” section, click on “Change”;
How to delete information from the internet linkedin guide phone ReputationUP
  • Click on “Remove”;
  • Enter your account password and complete the procedure by clicking “Remove” again.


  • Log in to your Twitter account;
  • Go to your profile by clicking on the icon with your photo;
  • From the menu on the left, select “Settings and privacy”;
  • Click on “Account”;
  • Press on the section where there is the telephone number, then click on “Delete the telephone number”;
  • Complete the procedure by clicking on “Yes, delete”.

It is increasingly common for social platforms to request a telephone number for user privacy.

How to delete news from internet and search results from Google?

Since your problem is about deleting data, reviews, or news about you from the search results that you don’t want to be public anymore, you need to clean the SERP (Search Engine Results Page).

Therefore, the solution to protect your online reputation requires the combined action of different supports offered by Google.

Before any action, however, there is a fundamental step to take: a bit of healthy egosurfing.

Type your name or your brand name on the search engine (browsing incognito) and find out on which sites it appears, in which newspaper articles, which news is associated with. 

Then fill in an Excel sheet with all the sites collected and proceed with the removal request for each of them.

The cleaning process requires different times that are never short: the more widespread and known the name or brand you intend to protect, the more difficult it will be to obtain a complete elimination from the search results.

Let’s see below how to do it precisely.

google web reputation 2022

Don’t like what Google says about you?

ReputationUP guarantees the elimination of any negative link (photos, videos, comments, content, reviews) from Google

How do you remove news from Google?

If the content you think is harmful to your brand has already been deleted from a site but still appears in the Google search results, it means that the page’s cache or description may be out of date.

To detele news from internet and remove news from Google, you must start by visiting the support offered by the platform and proceed as follows:

  • Select “New request”;
How do you remove news from Google ReputationUP
  • Enter the URL in the window that will open;
How do you remove news from Google guide ReputationUP
  • Complete the request by clicking on “Submit”.

You’ll have to wait for Google’s response, which can take up to two years.

Remove personal information on Google

It may happen that on Google there is information published by yourself or by third parties regarding your person or your business and that today you think is better to delete.

The first and most logical step is to send a request directly to the webmaster, the website’s owner hosting the unwanted content.

However, it may happen that there is no way to communicate between the pages or that this person does not answer.

To overcome this inconvenience, Google has made available a specific form that you will need to fill in by entering all the required information.

Remove personal information on Google ReputationUP

Once you have consented to the processing of personal data, the request will be formalized.

Instead, if the presence of personal information is such as to concern legal involvement, see the previous paragraph.

Google offers you, through the Search Console, a practical tool to request the removal of URLs:

  • Log in to your Google Search Console;
  • Select “Removals” in the list on the left;
Remove URLs from Google search ReputationUP
  • Click on “New request”;
  • Enter the URL you want to delete;
  • Choose whether to temporarily remove the URL or delete the cached URL;
  • Click on “Continue”.

However, it is important to remember one thing that we always repeat: de-indexing a URL from Google does not mean that it no longer exists.

Conclusions: so, how to delete news from internet

We have prepared this guide for those who, like you, need to know how to delete news from internet.

Specifically, we showed you:

  • What are the tools that help you intervene effectively obtaining the elimination of unwanted content;
  • How to develop an appropriate strategy for different situations;
  • How to request the removal of unwanted content and through what procedures;
  • What are the alternative protocols to the elimination tools provided by the platforms.

The usefulness of these tools, as you will have understood, derives from the importance of deleting news from internet:

  • Protecting your online reputation is essential for you and your business;
  • Interacting linearly with your contacts, without external negative influences, improves your personal and entrepreneurial condition;
  • Preventing the risk that false news circulate on the net, avoid that the damage is added to the mockery.

Therefore, reading this guide will allow you to:

  • Acquire the right awareness to be able to recognize how and when to act in order to remove content from the web;
  • Be fully aware of the tools at your disposal;
  • Develop a targeted and efficient strategy to achieve the goal of protecting your reputation.

ReputationUP can help you in the process of removing news from the Internet.

Their team, experts in online reputation management, can clean your image of false and defamatory articles.


How to delete false information from Google?

False information or links from your own website may be deleted; another way is to try to remove them from the Google index.

How to delete all Google activity?

On the Google account page, under ‘Activity controls’, click ‘Delete activity by’. Choose a date range and select “All Time” from the dropdown menu. Click on โ€œDeleteโ€.

How to remove a web page from the Google search engine?

Through Search Console, which is Google’s tool for webmasters and site owners. You can use this tool to submit the URL that you would like to remove from Google’s index and delete news from internet.

How to prevent my name from appearing on the Internet?

You can try to hide or remove all the digital footprints you have left, such as old social media posts, web pages, and even emails.

What happens if you put your name on Google?

Google collects data from various sources to compile search results, using your name as a keyword and other related words.

delete personal information from google with reputationup 2022

Do you want to delete personal and private information from the web?

ReputationUP guarantees the elimination of any personal and private information from any Web platform

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