Personal Reputation Management: What It Is, How To Measure And Protect It

By reading the new ReputationUP guide, you will find out what personal reputation management is, how to measure and protect it, and why it is important.

how to manage and improve yourr online business reputation 2022

Need help managing and improving your online reputation?

60% of users say they don’t trust people or businesses who receive negative comments or reviews

What is personal online reputation? 

Each of us has a reputation built on rumours that spread through word of mouth.

This concept, which goes hand in hand with the origin of humans on earth, has changed with the advent of the Internet.

We started discussing online reputation at that time.

Online reputation matters for companies and individuals

Individual or personal reputation management refers to others’ perceptions of you as a person, rather than as an entrepreneur or public figure.

What is personal online reputation ReputationUP

60% of Internet users say they don’t trust people or businesses who receive negative comments or reviews.

Both concepts, though, lie within the umbrella of brand protection.

According to the Cambridge Dictionary’s definition, this term means:

“The act of preventing someone from illegally making and selling a product using a brand name owned by another company.”

We refer to all strategies targeted at protecting your brand, personal or corporate when we extend this concept to digital marketing.

What is professional reputation? 

If the person is a professional, we refer to professional reputation.

It is about the image that someone has developed in the workplace.

Professional reputation has been afforded more and more protection under Article 8 of the European Union Convention on Human Rights.

The right to personal reputation management is, in fact, part of the right to respect for private life, along with the right to protect one’s image, name, and honor.

According to UK law, online defamation occurs when someone makes a statement that harms your personal or professional reputation.

What does personal reputation management mean?

People are more exposed to the risk of running into a crisis management since the Internet is a free space where everyone can express unfounded opinions.

A good personal reputation management strategy is essential to prevent that from happening. 

Reference is made to the so-called Online Reputation Management (ORM).

It consists of a set of practices that help you build or strengthen your digital image.

In a nutshell, the strategy is based on four criteria:

  • Negative content removal (cleaning);
  • Monitoring the web (monitoring);
  • Managing negative comments in real time (protecting);
  • Creating and spreading a positive image (improving);

Achieving good results depends on timely and coordinated action that integrates these four aspects.

How to protect your online reputation with Reputationup 2022

Need help protecting your reputation?

Remove all negative content against your brand and publish positive content that re-launches your digital image

How to protect your personal reputation

Requirements for protecting your personal reputation management are the same as those for safeguarding your corporate reputation.

However, take note that not everyone is able to undertake this complex process, which requires significant effort and time. 

The best thing is to contact a company of specialists, such as ReputationUP who knows how to clear your name online.

Let’s see how to proceed.

  • Monitor the web to look for any content about you.

The first step is to have a complete picture of what your digital reputation is, by scanning all search engines, social media platforms, forums, and so on.

  • Act promptly to remove harmful links or out-dated content that hurts you.

Exercise the Right to be Forgotten to have legal protection and safeguard your personal reputation management.

Google has said that since 2014, it has received over 135.891 requests for content removal from the United Kingdom in accordance with the GDPR; however, less than half of those requests have been processed.

How to protect your personal reputation ReputationUP
  • Protect your personal data.

Avoid disclosure of sensitive data and be careful about how much personal data you give away, as these could compromise your reputation.

How to measure your digital reputation

The Internet offers various tools to measure your digital reputation. Some of them are more useful than others:

  • Mention;
  • Reputology;
  • Branseye;
  • Hootsuite.

These tools allow you to monitor your online and social media presence as they collect mentions about you.

Otherwise, if you need a more precise and complete measurement instrument, it would be better to apply the RepUP Monitoring Tool.

This software created by ReputationUP combines Big Data and AI to analyze what’s being said on the internet about your corporate or personal brand.

repup monitoring tool monitor online reputation reputationup 2022

Need help monitoring your brand online?

Access the RepUP Monitoring Tool platform now

This tool scans the surface web in real-time, looking for positive, neutral, and negative content related to your brand; it measures the sentiment score of online mentions in order to prevent a potential reputational crisis.

It allows you to monitor keywords, hashtags, web domains, links, profiles, and social pages, but also forums and review sites.

Thus, you can also monitor your competitors by observing their digital marketing strategy.

How to improve your online reputation

To improve your online reputation and personal reputation management, you must focus on the fundamentals of digital marketing.

Here are some concrete tips to do that:

  • Increase your online presence

Use a separate business account that is not your personal profile and, in both cases, use images that inspire trust and look more professional. Apply the same criteria for emails and maintain a professional tone.

  • Create your own personal blog and / or website.

This space is essential for getting your thoughts and your opinions out into the world, but also for highlighting your job experiences.

  • Be present on social media.

Some social media platforms, such as Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, Youtube, should be prioritized.

  • Differentiate your content while keeping it consistent.

Create an editorial calendar, share positive content to build a positive image, making the best use of SEO.

  • Manage your privacy settings.
How to improve your online reputation ReputationUP

Most of the respondents are willing to share their personal data when it comes to entertainment sites (22%). 

Social media receives the worst negative score: 24% of users do not feel confident when sharing their personal information on social platforms.

Check carefully that your published content is accurate and how that information is used; manage the privacy settings of each page you visit.

Such a process is hard to handle since all operations must be coordinated with each other.

For complete consulting, contact ReputationUP.

ReputationUP has been a leader in the field of Online Reputation Management for over 25 years. The company has a team of reputation and Right to be Forgotten experts that will assist you from start to end.

Why is personal reputation management important?

In a world where everything goes through the Internet and social networks, anything expressed there has some weight. So, anything influences your personal reputation management strategy.

Think about the reviews of a product or service: 93% of consumers say that they are influenced by online opinions.

You can understand how essential it is to remove negative reviews and identify which ones are false.

google web reputation 2022

Don’t like what Google says about you?

ReputationUP guarantees the elimination of any negative link (photos, videos, comments, content, reviews) from Google

But it’s not just about reviews. 

The same is true when it comes to comments that users post on social networks. Or, opinions that a news article about you can generate.

Having a positive personal reputation will help you create a network of people who trust you. 

As a result, you will have a better chance of being contacted for a new job.

Besides, users will be more eager to purchase your services or products, which will help you boost your business.

What are the benefits of having a good digital reputation?

In practical terms, having a good digital reputation provides you countless advantages:

  • Increase your professional success;
  • Capture the attention of people who are interested in the products and services you are promoting;
  • Increase your chances of building relationships with influential people in your industry or with business influencers;
  • Increase brand engagement and authority to reach target reference customers;
  • Improve your competitive positioning;
  • Increase revenue.

In short, a positive digital reputation allows you to enhance your personal or corporate image more quickly than word of mouth.


In this guide, we have explained what a personal online reputation is and how to protect and improve it.

We can draw the following conclusions:

  • Personal online reputation management refers to others’ perceptions of you as a person rather than as an entrepreneur or public figure;
  • Professional reputation, instead, is the image that someone has developed in the workplace;
  • Online reputation management (ORM) includes cleaning, monitoring, and improving strategies;
  • Having a positive digital reputation allows you to speed up the process of enhancing your personal or corporate image.

It is always best to enlist the help of specialists as it is a complicated and multi-stage process.

With its team of professionals and customized software, such as the RepUP Monitoring Tool, ReputationUP guarantees an excellent result in a short time.

increase turnover with reputationup 2022

Do you want to grow your brand’s online reputation?

97% of entrepreneurs say online reputation management is the main key to success for their business


What is personal reputation management?

It is to avoid at all costs content that may affect your reputation on the web; we know that technology has acquired a leading role in today’s world, therefore, reputation management is vital since harmful content on the web can affect your personal and professional life.

How to manage your personal online reputation

For proper management of your personal reputation we recommend the following:
1.Search for your name in the Google search engine: there, you will be able to see what type of content you have in the results, and you will act according to what is observed;
2. If in any given case, you have something negative in your search results, we recommend you clean up your online presence and reinforce your privacy;
3. Build your brand: create a web page with content that is interesting and with official sources. In this way, your positive content will stand out more on Google;
4. Create social networks: separate your personal identity from your professional one and update them constantly.
5. monitoring: make sure you are aware of your web presence.

Why personal online reputation management is necessary today

It’s simple, everything you need to know, you look it up on the internet. A bad reputation can affect your brand and even decrease sales.
Andrea BaggioCEO of ReputationUP claims that his brand risks losing 22% of revenue if potential customers find a single negative link on the first page of Google.

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